Fasting Basics
Fasting relates to how much and how often to eat. When we fast, no food is eaten from midnight to noon. We have smaller portions and do not eat between meals. (Water and medicine are always permitted.)
Abstaining means not eating certain foods. For Melkite Catholics, this usually includes meat, fish, dairy, wine, and olive oil. (Traditionally, dairy refers to cheese, milk, butter, and eggs.)
These are guidelines and not inviolable rules. In matters of health and circumstance, these guidelines should be relaxed appropriately.
The diocesan calendar contains the Bishop's directions, which take precedence over anything on this page.
The Melkite Catholic Church observes fasting and abstinence on the following days and seasons:
Wednesdays & Fridays
On most Wednesdays and Fridays we abstain from meat, fish, dairy, olive oil, and wine.
Specific Fasting Periods
During the fasting periods below, we fast until noon and abstain from meat, fish, and dairy, and, on weekdays, we abstain additionally from olive oil and wine.
Great Lent and Holy Week
From the evening of Forgiveness Sunday until the Paschal liturgy
The Apostle’s Fast
From the Monday after the Sunday of All Saints until June 28th
Fish is allowed except on Wednesday and Friday
The Dormition Fast
From August 1 until August 14th
The Nativity Fast
From November 15th until the Nativity liturgy
No fasting and all foods are allowed during the week of the Pharisee and the Publican.
Dairy and olive oil are allowed during Cheesefare week.
Fish, olive oil, and wine are allowed on the Feast of the Annunciation (March 25).
No fasting and all foods are allowed during Bright week (the week after Pascha).
No fasting and all foods are allowed during the week following Pentecost.
No fasting and all foods are allowed on the Feast of the Transfiguration (August 6).
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